
Imagin Raytracer

Program for generating synthesis images and animations in 3D.

What is Imagin Raytracer?

Imagin Raytracer is a command line raytracing software which is designed to produce synthesis animations and images in 3D.

With its many features and its ease of use, it makes it possible to quickly create realistic images and animations.

It runs under all compliant Posix environments (Unix, Linux, Mac OS X) and is distributed under the GPL license, so its use and source code are free.


• 3D photo-realistic animations and images
• Multi-threaded rendering engine which fully exploits multi-cores processors
• Scene description language (control structures, variables, object templates, etc.)
• Geometric primitives are true mathematical shapes
• Constructive Solid Geometry
• Geometric transformations
• Motion blur
• Depth of field blur
• Shadows blur
• Various types of cameras
• Photon mapping (caustics, diffuse reflection)
• Procedural and bitmap textures
• Procedural and bitmap bumps mapping
• Parametric materials
• Fogs
• Various types of light sources





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